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mercy niketan

The Mercy Niketan

School for 35 children with intellectual and physical disabilities from poor families The Mercy Niketan School for Special Children is aimed at creating a positive and healthy environment for students. They not only provide education but also provide vocational training for students. This school is a safe haven for the mothers who bear the burden


Aravanaikkum Karangal

Caring for 24 orphaned children This home cares for its children with so much love and empathy. Besides tuition and discipline this home encourages the boys to get involved in variety of sports and arts activities to nurture their souls. We are their biggest donors and to welcome us, the boys put together an emotional

new hope new life

New Hope New Life

Housing 135 Orphaned Children This orphanage receives new children from many small orphanages that are closing due to strict regulations. They offer decent clothing food and shelter, evening tuition classes and excursions for the children. Through these various schemes and activities they truly offer the children under care, new hope and new life. This home

charu home for the aged

Charu Home for the Aged

Caring for 35 abandoned seniors This home is an bode to abandoned seniors within the T Nagar vicinity. For the occupants of this home, this functions as the home that they never had. They are treated with dignity and respect, making them feel as part of an extended family. Many of the occupants help in

Shelter Home for HIV Kids

Caring for 47 HIV positive children Solomon Raj is a proud father who has adopted 47 HIV+ children who were either orphaned or have been abandoned by relatives. He juggles between three jobs to meet expenses and running the Trust. The uniqueness about this home is that all 11 staff members who assist Mr Solomon

Parisutha Natkarunai Illam

Housing 200 adults with intellectual disability and 8 of their children. Situated far away from any town or facilities, and with very little external funding, this home for adults with intellectual disability is doing its very best to offer the best care within its means for those sent to them by the police. They have

Ashivad Ashram

Caring for 50 orphaned children. About 2 hours out of Chennai, this home is run by a team of committed individuals who want to create a healthy atmosphere for the nourishment of the children. The home does not stand alone. It houses a barn and farm animals that enhance the ambience. The land is put