Housing 200 adults with intellectual disability and 8 of their children.
Situated far away from any town or facilities, and with very little external funding, this home for adults with intellectual disability is doing its very best to offer the best care within its means for those sent to them by the police. They have a sprawling yard which allowed the residents to have alternate times out to walk around and get some fresh air. However, over the years, the fencing has deteriorated. This has thus posed a danger to residents, who may wander about. They need a new fence wall for the safety and security of the residents. Their extension works to accommodate the growing number of residents has also been halted due to a lack of funds. The exterior of the building badly needs painting. We are looking at assisting this home to address these pressing issues. This is the 1st year we are supporting this home. The residents were served Lunch by Project Arpana.