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Supplementary Agreement H2020

If you are a researcher or an organization looking for funding through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, chances are high that you will be in need of a supplementary agreement.

A supplementary agreement is a legal document that is signed by the beneficiaries of an H2020 project and the European Commission. It is meant to specify the terms and conditions for the implementation of the project, beyond those that are already defined in the Grant Agreement.

Here are some of the key provisions that are typically included in a supplementary agreement for an H2020 project:

1. Budgetary provisions: This section outlines the budgetary rules that apply to the project, such as the eligible costs, the amount of funding provided, and the payment schedule.

2. Reporting requirements: This section details the reporting requirements for the project, including the types of reports that must be submitted and the deadlines for their submission.

3. Intellectual property: This section specifies the ownership and use of intellectual property related to the project, including any rights to patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

4. Consortium agreement: This section outlines the terms and conditions of the consortium agreement, which is the legal agreement between the partners of the project.

5. Ethical considerations: This section details the ethical considerations that must be taken into account in the project, such as the protection of human subjects or the use of animals in research.

6. Dissemination and exploitation: This section covers the dissemination and exploitation of the project results, including their dissemination to the general public and exploitation by the beneficiaries.

In summary, a supplementary agreement is a key legal document that defines the terms and conditions of an H2020 project beyond those already defined in the Grant Agreement. It provides clarity for all parties involved in the project and ensures that the project runs smoothly, with minimal confusion or legal issues. If you are planning on applying for H2020 funding, be sure to familiarize yourself with the supplementary agreement.